Joining is easy. Get in touch with one of the exec, or just come along to one of the meetings.
Note: You do not have to be a student to join.
Official meetings are held every occasional Thursday (during term time) starting 7:30pm. Meetings will now be in Room 0.44 in Student Central. To find out when we're hosting a meeting, simply check Facebook ("Bradford LGBTQ") or Twitter ("bradfordlgbtq"). We will give at least 2 days notice. Details of the meetings will also be sent by e-mail to those on our mailing list (e-mail us and we'll add you to it).
Hope to see you there!
See the events page for details of all meetings, activities and notices.
Society Membership
Student Union Societies Info Page
There is a fee for uni students of £3 to join the MSGI society, £2 if already a member of another society. We won't be hounding you for money. Although we would appreciate it if you did join officially as this controls our budget from the student union.
Joining the society can be done via any of the exec members or directly with the student union finance office.